About Us


The Nigerian Youth Union is the Voice of Nigerian Youths. To offer opportunities that breed inclusiveness in governance, and provide national information that is of interest to the young people in Nigeria and in other parts of the world.

Our Goal
The Nigerian Youth Union is the platform for all Youth organizations in Nigeria. Our goal is to create synergy between the Nigerian Government and the Youths, which will encourage and urge the participation of young Nigerians in governance, which in turn will aid the growth of Nigeria.

We aim to create an atmosphere where Nigerian Youths are encouraged and supported to achieve their fullest potential. The Nigerian Youth Union represents hundreds of different youth associations in Nigeria. In the current political dispensation, Unity and stability are uncertain amongst Nigerian Youths, and this affects the political growth, social context, inclusiveness, and empowerment of the young Nigerians.

The Nigerian youths are powerful contributors, amazing impetuses, and catalysts for positive change and innovative solutions to Nigerian difficulties. To conquer the difficulties faced by young Nigerians, the Nigerian Youth Union’s work is based on three strategic plans:

Thriving Nigerian Youths
Young Nigerians and youth associations are essential for youth involvement in governance. Our commitment adds to the improvement of nature and equal opportunities in the society we live in.

Nigerian Youths should be guaranteed participation at all levels of governance. Present and future generations of Nigerian Youths should be taught and prepared to get to their privileges and participate in government activities.


Empowering The Conditions Of Youth Associations
Thriving youth associations are crucial aspects of a solid government. With so many Youth associations in Nigeria and worldwide, Urban space should be secured and extended, so that relevant Youth associations in Nigeria should work with no hindrances – monetarily, lawfully, legitimately and, strategically.


Flourishing Stage
The Nigerian Youth Union is the voice of Nigerian youths, Words are insufficient:
we will talk and walk the talk. Our union will be developed to keep the Young Nigerians significant, solid, and prepared. We will constantly reinforce and remain trustworthy as the voice of young Nigerians and Youth Organizations in Nigeria.

Considering these objectives, the Nigerian Youth Union will proceed with Young Nigerians backing to work and turn our plans into reality as pacesetters on youth issues. We will engage Member Organizations to amplify the effect of their mastery and uphold a rights-based methodology in all that we do.