
Summary Of The Meeting Held On 30th September, 2020

The Nigerian Youth Union held its first meeting on 30th of September 2020, in its office at the Youth Villa, Abuja Nigeria.

 The meeting started by 12:30pm. Comr. Chinonso Obasi held the opening prayer.

Notable Points of the meeting were:

* The major reason for the emergence of the new Union is because, the youths have been marginalized in the Nigerian project, however, they are supposed to be the major stakeholder. Inability of the existing associations to present a credible voice has necessitated the birth of a new union to be called Nigeria Youth Union.

* The age bracket for office holders is between 15-35 according African Youth Charter. 

* The Structure of the union is defined in such a way that it starts from National level down to the 774 Local Governments in Nigeria.

* The logo of the Union is a Lion roaring in a background of Green White Green which symbolizes the strength of the youths in Nigeria. Lion cannot be intimidated and it is very courageous to pursue it goals.

* A Vote of Confidence was bestowed on the Initiator, Comr. Chinonso Obasi as the President of the Nigerian Youth Union.

* The Executives also opined that there should be nomination of new executives apart from the President, but Comr. Ogunwoye Samson gave a contrary opinion when he said the President should be allowed to appoint people based on their verified capacities, after which the appointment would be rectified by the house. The executives agreed with the suggestion of Comr. Ogunwoye Samson.

* There was a unanimous agreement that a membership of the union comes with registration of a 1000naira per annum. Being a financial member will strengthen the union in aspect of efficiency, accountability, responsiveness and transparency.


The meeting ended by 2:00pm. In Conclusion, The executives unanimously agreed that there will be another meeting to discuss

the Leadership of the Union in different structures (I.e States and LGAs) in Nigeria which will be held on:

Date: 10th of October, 2020

Time: 10:00am.

Venue: Conference Hall, Youth Villa, Abuja.